
here’s a Hungarian translation sent to me by someone who wishes to remain anonymous:

The numbers from zero to six:

0: nulla

1: egy

2: kettő

3: három

4: négy

5: öt

10: hat

Hungarian base-ten numbers are compounded above ten (i.e. eleven and twelve are ten-one and ten-two). Based on the French translations, I will use compound numbers from seven.

In base ten, numbers from 11-19 and 20-29 are compounded as 10-en-X and 20-on-X. I will apply this rule in base six from seven to eleven:

11: hatonegy

12: hatonkettő

13: hatonhárom

14: hatonnégy

15: hatonöt

Let's use the Hungarian word for dozen, "tucat", for the number twelve:

20: tucat

21: tucategy

22: tucatkettő

23: tucathárom

24: tucatnégy

25: tucatöt

Inspired by the second syllable of "tucat", let's use the ending -cat/-cet (based on vowel harmony) for multiples of six:

30: hacat

31: hacategy


40: necet

41: necetegy


50: öcet

51: öcetegy

I suggest translating nif to Hungarian as "niv" based on the Finnish translation.

My suggestion is based on the phonetic evolution of the word for hundred, *śata --> száz (hu), sata (fi), which results in the analogical evolution of *nif --> niv (hu), nivi (fi).

100: niv

101: nivegy

102: nivkettő


110: nivhat

111: nivhatonegy

112: nivhatonkettő


155: nivöcetöt

"Kettő" usually becomes "két" when before "száz" (hundred) except when intentionally distinguishing it from "hét" (seven) which won't exist in seximal. Thus, "kettő" will become "két" before "niv" as well.

200: kétniv

Following the hyphenation rules for numbers above two thousand, the numbers should also be hyphenated after "niv" for numbers larger than two nif:

200: kétniv

201: kétniv-egy

202: kétniv-kettő

203: kétniv-három

204: kétniv-négy

205: kétniv-öt

210: kétniv-hat

211: kétniv-hatonegy

300: háromniv

400: négyniv

500: ötniv

1000: hatniv

1100: hatonegyniv

5555: öcetötniv-öcetöt

Numbers from 10000:

10^4: exia

10^8: biexia

10^12: triexia

10^16: kvadexia

10^20: kvintexia

10^24: unnullexia

10^28: ununexia

10^32: unbiexia

10^36: untriexia

10^40: unkvadexia

10^44: unkvintexia

10^48: binullexia

In exian, the n is removed as the Hungarian word for million, "millió" does not contain an n either. It is not accented though, as a word ending in á sounds odd.

Nil becomes null; quad becomes kvad and pent becomes kvint (as quadrillion is "kvadrillió" and quintillion is "kvintillió" in Hungarian.

Two thousand and twenty in Hungarian seximal: 13204 - egyexia-hacatkétniv-négy